About Me

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I am blonde. I am intelligently whitty (or at least I think so). I graduated from Belhaven College (currently Belhaven University) with a Bachelor of Science degree in Management. I currently work as a clinic director for a team of neurosurgeons and interventional pain management doctors. I love my job and all of my co-workers. I have been married for 16 years and have two beautiful daughters, ages 13 and 9. They are blonde too :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Here we go! FUN, FUN, FUN.

I have a wonderful friend named Mandy.  She is a fabulous and talented writer.  Mandy's words have inspired me to start writing my own blog.  When I sit down to read her words, I can literally feel her stress level come down a couple of notches.  I figure, HEY, if it works for her- surely it'll work for me.  So I am shouting out to The Miller's Blog, thank you!

HERE WE GO!  Hold on tight, my multiple personalities will be kicking in shortly.


  1. Thanks girlie :) I posted my second one. Just a little history before I get started on everyday life stresses and funnies.
