About Me

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I am blonde. I am intelligently whitty (or at least I think so). I graduated from Belhaven College (currently Belhaven University) with a Bachelor of Science degree in Management. I currently work as a clinic director for a team of neurosurgeons and interventional pain management doctors. I love my job and all of my co-workers. I have been married for 16 years and have two beautiful daughters, ages 13 and 9. They are blonde too :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

A Day for JeAnS!

I love, love days when we can wear jeans.......NOT!  These are the days we look forward to at work when the doctors are out, no patients.  Only the time to get caught up on the things that have taken to the backburner of everyday craziness, however, that seems to NEVER be the case.  Oh well.  Whatever.........cannot worry my brain about this now.  It's FrIdAy! Yayayayayayyaaaay!

On a brighter note.....I am getting Bonsai for lunch.  Shrimp and Rice.  Can't wait.

I am looking forward to this weekend because I know that this is the only weekend for awhile that I will actually have nothing to do.  Coming up soon.....dress fittings (Emileigh), Pageant, Super Bowl party, Valentine's Day, New Orleans trip, anniversary.  I'm pretty sure you can throw a cheer competition in there somewhere.  Then Spring Break AND Reagan's birthday. (I'm pretty sure she'll wanna blow it out of proportion since we blew Em's out!) I am soooooooo looking forward to them heading off to college so I can have a break. HA, not really.

I really don't have a lot to write about today other than busYness so I think i'll leave you with a few fun facts about me.

* I am really blonde.  Just not as blonde as my haircolor. I pay to have it this blonde.
* I am addictied to chocolate and candy.
* I rarely eat a normal, healthy meal unless Wayne cooks, mom cooks, Angie cooks or we go out.
* I suck a managing a checkbook.
* I love to read, EVERYTHING.
* I don't understand twitter, but I am amused by it.
* My desk looks like a bomb went off in the center of it.
* I am 35 years old and love the trampoline.
* My favorite thing to do is to fish, although I don't get to do it much.
* I'm addicted to really expensive jeans :/
* I love when a straight man dresses like a gay man. (And smells like Hollister cologne)

Well, until next time....maybe it'll be much more interesting.  Kisses and hugs.  Katymay is blonde.

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