About Me

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I am blonde. I am intelligently whitty (or at least I think so). I graduated from Belhaven College (currently Belhaven University) with a Bachelor of Science degree in Management. I currently work as a clinic director for a team of neurosurgeons and interventional pain management doctors. I love my job and all of my co-workers. I have been married for 16 years and have two beautiful daughters, ages 13 and 9. They are blonde too :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

FaBuLoSo! Good day my friends :)

I don't have much to say other than this weekend was fabuloso!!!! I really didn't do a thing........I stayed at home, did some laundry, watched a movie, took a nap......it was great.

I was sifting through my email just a minute ago and came across a wonderful statement.  It brightened my day because it made me realize I am not a low down dirty loser..........lol........just kidding.  We all do things sometimes that we feel are not right and then regret them.  It haunts us.....maybe not all the time but it never leaves us.  We ALL make bad choices in one way or another.  We are human and not perfect, nor will we ever be.  We are beautiful creatures who are here on this earth for a reason.  Just listen.....you will hear your worth at some point.  If you don't hear it maybe it'll just slap you in the face and you can feel it for yourself.

I did not write this statement below.  I am reposting from the email.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  Until next time.

Hugs and kisses. Katymay is Blonde!

The next time you feel like GOD can't use YOU, just remember...

Noah was a drunk.
Abraham was too old.
Isaac was a daydreamer.
Jacob was a liar.
Leah was ugly.
Joseph was abused.
Moses had a stuttering problem.
Gideon was afraid.
Shelley talked too much. (Bahahahaha...I just threw that in there for entertainment value)
Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer.
Rahab was a prostitute.
Jeremiah and Timothy were too young.
David had an affair and was a murderer.
Elijah was suicidal.
Isaiah preached naked.
Jonah ran from God.
Naomi was a widow.
Job went bankrupt.
John the Baptist ate bugs.
Peter denied Christ.
The Disciples fell asleep while praying.
Martha worried about everything.
The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once.
Zaccheus was too small.
Paul was too religious.
Timothy had an ulcer.
 Lazarus was dead!

No more excuses now!!  God can use you to your full potential.  Besides you aren't the message, you are just the messenger.

Friday, January 28, 2011

A Day for JeAnS!

I love, love days when we can wear jeans.......NOT!  These are the days we look forward to at work when the doctors are out, no patients.  Only the time to get caught up on the things that have taken to the backburner of everyday craziness, however, that seems to NEVER be the case.  Oh well.  Whatever.........cannot worry my brain about this now.  It's FrIdAy! Yayayayayayyaaaay!

On a brighter note.....I am getting Bonsai for lunch.  Shrimp and Rice.  Can't wait.

I am looking forward to this weekend because I know that this is the only weekend for awhile that I will actually have nothing to do.  Coming up soon.....dress fittings (Emileigh), Pageant, Super Bowl party, Valentine's Day, New Orleans trip, anniversary.  I'm pretty sure you can throw a cheer competition in there somewhere.  Then Spring Break AND Reagan's birthday. (I'm pretty sure she'll wanna blow it out of proportion since we blew Em's out!) I am soooooooo looking forward to them heading off to college so I can have a break. HA, not really.

I really don't have a lot to write about today other than busYness so I think i'll leave you with a few fun facts about me.

* I am really blonde.  Just not as blonde as my haircolor. I pay to have it this blonde.
* I am addictied to chocolate and candy.
* I rarely eat a normal, healthy meal unless Wayne cooks, mom cooks, Angie cooks or we go out.
* I suck a managing a checkbook.
* I love to read, EVERYTHING.
* I don't understand twitter, but I am amused by it.
* My desk looks like a bomb went off in the center of it.
* I am 35 years old and love the trampoline.
* My favorite thing to do is to fish, although I don't get to do it much.
* I'm addicted to really expensive jeans :/
* I love when a straight man dresses like a gay man. (And smells like Hollister cologne)

Well, until next time....maybe it'll be much more interesting.  Kisses and hugs.  Katymay is blonde.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No ranting, No raving....just me voicing my thoughts!

Well HELLO everyone. Let me start over, well HELLO to my 3 followers :) Too funny.  My aunt actually text me this week to ask when I was gonna blog again. Here I am folks. 

I have been busy...I have managed to work, go to cheer (with the fabulous help of Laura Beth Griffing and her wonderifulous carpooling abilities), hangout with my friends, attend a great Bible study at church, feed the children (sort of), attempt to start another Bible study with a great group of women, attend a concert with some friends and my hubby, clean a little, drive to Baton Rouge for a cheer competition and sleep.  And YET I still have my Christmas trees up.  I could care less about those things really OR what others think. It has become a great conversation piece.  Even Paul Corley from church was stunned I still had them up.  This is shocking coming from a guy, I don't even think Wayne has noticed they are there still standing, huge and lonely from missing their beautiful decorations from weeks past.  ENOUGH about that though....moving on to this week.

Today is Tuesday and it has literally blown my mind....literally. 

It seems that each day is a new day for some at work, even though we perform these task day in and day out.  I have my days where I just can't remember little things, but usually they are so tiny that it doesn't even really matter.  I'm not even referencing just one person individually, just everyone in a whole. No, who am I kidding.....I am just saying that so no one gets their feelings hurt.  If you are reading this and even possibly think I may be talking about you, well, I probably am.  If you can recall a time you have forgotten a daily duty that you have done over and over and over and over again, yeah well, it's probably you I may be referencing.  Don't look at it as bad though...I am no where near perfect in my job.  Remember, my blog isn't to harass anyone or make fun of, it is simply me expressing my feelings.  It does not mean I do not like you or your work habits, it just means....nevermind....I don't know what it means.  Let's just pretend it's not you i'm talking about, okay? Deal!

I am a super nice person, please don't think i'm not.  I am very understanding and compassionate.  I will do anything for anybody....these are just my thoughts for today.  Until next time.....enjoy :)

*She can speak 200 words a minute with gusts up to 300.
*The cord doesn't quite reach the outlet.
*Pretty house, but nobody's home.
*I think the screen is missing a few pixels.
*1 peanut short of a snickers.
*If brains were taxed, they'd get a refund.
*As smart as bait.
* The wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead.
* Redefined the term "third grader".

And one last one since Super Bowl is coming up.....*Has a bit too much yardage between the goal post!

Hugs and Kisses.    KatyMay is blonde.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just to clarify AND a little more..........

Just wanted to clarify that when I said drinking and driving in the last post.....we ALWAYS had a designated driver.  ALWAYS :)

Not a whole lot on my mind today, pretty much a clear slate.  This is a good thing.  It allows me to take in so many new things.  I have decided to brag on my family a little bit.

EMILEIGH is blonde.  Very blonde.  Haha.  She is beautiful beyond imagination with her blue eyes shining or glaring, which lately glaring seems to be the better choice of words.  She is talented and busy.  Not only does she cheer for school, but she cheers for SCA competitively.  She plays the saxophone in the band and she maintains awesome grades.  She is in the beta club at school.  She asked my mother this past week if the toilet still flushed when the power goes out.  NICE.  She is 13.  She is participating as a contestant in the Beauty and Beau pageant at her school on February 5th @ 5:00pm.  If you are interested in coming, I have tickets.  She was named a beauty last year as well.  Emileigh is active in the youth group at Hillcrest Baptist Church and loves going to church.  She accepted Christ a couple of years ago.  It makes my heart smile :)

REAGAN is blonde headed.  She is sassy and whitty.  She is very quick tongued and has no filter, much like her momma.  She is beautiful as well.  She is brown eyed like me too.  She is little but is a firecracker.  I never know what she is gonna do, say at any given moment.  I have realized there is NOTHING I can do to change this.  She's pretty high strung.  Everyone loves her and would still try to carry her on their hip if they could.  She's 9 years old.  She'll be 10 in March.  I still feel weird when I drop her off to the school because it seems she is too small or young to be going.  Oh well, they gotta grow up.  Reagan is addicted to the computer and cokes.  I think she would go into shock if we took either one of these things away from her.  She cheers competitively with SCA and does a great job.  Her personality comes out when she's dancing.  It's very exciting to watch her.  Reagan hates to get dressed for anything.  You can always bet whatever she has on was probably on the top of the pile.  She could care less if it matches and could care less what anybody thinks about it. 

I love my girlies.....

WAYNE is my husband and on February 18th we'll be married 16 years.  Yep, you heard it right, 16 years.  He is a great father even though he aggravates the mess out of them 99% of the time.  We know its all out of love.  Wayne loves me too.  I know he works the way he does because he wants to keep me happy.  We don't always see eye to eye on things but I think this is the way it is in every relationship.  He's a morning person and sings to the top of his lungs just to wake everyone up. UGH.  He recently started running my bath water early in the morning and then running off because he knows I'll get up so it doesn't runneth over.  He's a talented businessman, salesman and seems to charm his customers.  Most of them ladies, of course.  He and Emileigh have the same personality pretty much.  He likes to travel but hates to fly.  He's quick to quote the Bible when an argument arises.  I usually lose that battle.

This will be my last post until next week....................my spin will be different come next week.  I won't be telling you about me or my family.  This was just to help you get to know me a little better.

And a quick shout out to my brother- Dear Jeremy,  Next time you are in town you better have your running shoes because there is gonna be a showdown.  I can definately beat you in running :) I'm good that way.  Bahahahaha.

Kisses and hugs.  Katymay is blonde.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Me, just ME, no one else for now.....

Good day everyone!  Glad you could join me :) All I could think about last night is what in the world could I write about in my blog and then it hit me smack in the face. BAM! Yep, lame, I know but that's what really happened.  I am going to write about the many faces of people in general, but i'll start with me. Many of you know me but really don't know much about my history so i'm gonna start out with that.  I'm sure by the time you finish reading you'll either be bored to tears or rolling laughing.  Heck, you may even think, "DANG, that's whats wrong with her!"

WARNING: I tend to go off on tangents, so hang in there.  It's something like attention deficit disorder, although i'm not A.D.D.  or i'm pretty sure i'm not.

I was born on July 21, 1975 in Sheffield, Alabama.  Born to Carl Edward and Deborah Hamm Lambert.  My parents' divorced when I was very young and my father, Carl died as the result of a car accident at the young age of 29.  Sad face :(  I don't remember him but my mother and other family has shared pictures and stories to get me by.  I do think about him often, just wondering what it would be like had he not been killed.  Would my life have turned out any differently?  Probably not, other than maybe an occasional visit, card on birthdays or even checks in the mail. Haha.  My mother remarried to the love of her life, her soulmate, James Edward Kirby.  "Jim" had 2 sons, Jeremy and Jason, from a previous marriage.  He had custody of the boys so therefore we became a small "Brady Bunch".  Jeremy was only 3 months younger than me so we were always in constant battle for who could do what better.  Just for the record, I always won.  He pretty much sucked.  I could always run faster, swim better, etc......I hope he's reading this now :)  The funny thing is, I can still do all those things better, bahahahaha.  He knows this.  We, our family, have lived all over.  I attended 1st grade in Rifle, Colorado.  I've lived in Louisiana, pretty darn close to New Orleans, in Des Allemands and in Harvey.  (I have a super cute story about going to school in Harvey and my bff Shelby, but i'll share that another time)  We attended the 1984 World's Fair in NOLA, we frequented MANY Mardi Gras parades.  We even had a swamp, really it was some kind of lagoon, in our backyard past the fence.  I recall seeing gators sunning on a small marshy island in the summers.  I also recall our parents' saying to never play back there.  Hmmmm....we listened so well.  I'm sure Jeremy challenged me on something that made me disobey, like feeding baby alligators slices of cheese. Whatever.....we had a blue rabbit named whacky that lived in a doghouse in the backyard in Des Allemands.  We had to give him to the coonass neighbors next door when we moved, they probably skint him and had him for celebration supper the night we pulled out in the moving van :(  Hopes NOT! 

A few years later, we somehow landed in Vicksburg, MS.  I was in the 5th grade and attended Jett Elementary.  The next year we moved 2 miles down the road to Warrenton Lakes and ended up going to Warrenton Elementary in the 6th grade.  I am actually still friends with a few of the friends I made from 5th and 6th grade.  Thank you facebook.  I attended 7th & 8th grade at Warren Central Jr. High.  The city consolidated the schools when I was going into 9th grade so I attended Vicksburg High School for the rest of my crazy, unpredictable days of high school.  I remember during exam week, leaving a ceramics class with 2 crazy friends, signing into the library (bc we were gonna study), sneaking to our car, driving to Daquiri world, drove through the drive-thru, got a drink, slurped it down and returned to the library.  How we got past the insane security guard at the school is beyond me.  YES, I know what you are thinking....underage drinking and driving and returning to school.  I know, I know....these are things I can only hope my children know better.....AND NEVER EVEN THINK OF DOING. I graduated from Vicksburg High School on June 10, 1993. 

I wanted to be a Veterinarian but I didn't want to move to far away from my mommy so I attended Hinds Community College in Raymond.  I lived in the dorm with my awesome friends Cathy Raines, Lacey Langley, Jan Branning, Heather Evans, Ashley Watkins and Michelle Tacko. OMG!! Talk about some memories.  I wouldn't change one thing, well maybe a couple of things.  We went to class, most of the time anyway.  We had a routine, as most college kids do.  Monday=Class and SLEEP, Tuesday=Class and SLEEP, Wednesday=Maybe class, shower, CATWALK, SLEEP till Thursday night, Thursday=skip class, wakeup to get ready, LOUISIANA ALL NIGHT, Friday=drag our butts to class, SLEEP till we had to go home.  Yes, we had to go home because we pretty much all had parent's who wanted us home on the weekends.  Plus we had to wash clothes, get gas and food money, etc.....


I started dating Wayne Hearn when I was a senior in high school and on into college till we got married.  He went to USM in Hattiesburg so we only saw each other on the weekends.  He always complained because I never went to Hattiesburg to see him.  I guess I was selfish and too into myself and my fun.  I figured if he wanted to see me he'd come to Raymond.  HOW RUDE OF ME :)

Wayne and I got married on February 18, 1995.  He graduated from USM and I finished up at HINDS. NOT.....I worked full time at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, part-time at McRae's (currently Belk) and went to school part-time 2 nights a week.  I eventually finished my schooling 75 years and 2 kids later.  Hahahahahaha.  Funny, yes, but true.  I went into the medical field, surgical technology and nursing was my background.  I eventually wanted more time at home so I went to real estate school.  I became a REALTOR.  Yes I did :)  As fun as that sounds, it wasn't for me.  However, it did allow me to make good money and pretty much make my own schedule.  This allowed me to go on field trips, kids parties, kids programs...you know all those things working moms can't do and wish they could.  Once Reabug got old enough to go to preschool is when I started working full time in the medical field again.  I wouldn't change a thing.  I LOVE MY JOB AND ALL MY CO-WORKERS.

Ok.....long and boring.  I am done.  For now.  Kisses and Hugs.

KatyMay is blonde.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Here we go! FUN, FUN, FUN.

I have a wonderful friend named Mandy.  She is a fabulous and talented writer.  Mandy's words have inspired me to start writing my own blog.  When I sit down to read her words, I can literally feel her stress level come down a couple of notches.  I figure, HEY, if it works for her- surely it'll work for me.  So I am shouting out to The Miller's Blog, thank you!

HERE WE GO!  Hold on tight, my multiple personalities will be kicking in shortly.